You know the science. We know the motion. Come meet with the motion experts at SLAS2020.
On January 25th, the 2020 US conference of the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) will open in San Diego, CA – and Motion Solutions will be there. Motion Solutions builds ultra-high performance motion subassemblies for a host of applications, including laboratory instrumentation. We work with leading life-sciences OEMs to handle the design, and in some cases manufacturing, of motion subsystems so that they can concentrate on the science. If you have thorny motion challenges in your latest project, you can sit down with our senior engineers at SLAS2020 and start the process of finding a solution.
Invitation Code from Motion Solutions: 119701

Motion Solutions provides engineering services ranging from clean-sheet design to cost-down engineering. We also manufacture subassemblies ranging from simple to highly complex. While you’re at the booth, you can see demonstrations of some of these subsystems we’ve built for the life sciences and medical industry.
You know the science. We know the motion. Come meet with our motion experts and discover a solution for your thorniest motion problems. We look forward to seeing you in San Diego.

About the Author
Peter Hoffman is the vice president of marketing, Motion Solutions Inc.